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Boost guest engagement with dynamic questionnaires

Your key to deeper insights and increased customer loyalty

What are the benefits of dynamic questionnaires?

Dynamic questionnaires offer many advantages, especially when it comes to collecting feedback and data. Here are some of the key benefits:


Structured data collection: Questionnaires provide a structured method of collecting data, making it easy to gather information in a systematic way. It helps to get accurate and consistent answers.


Effective feedback: They allow you to gather feedback from many people quickly and efficiently, which can be particularly useful in a customer service or product development context.


Analysis options: The data collected can be easily analysed and visualised in the form of reports, charts or graphs, helping to identify patterns, trends and areas that need attention.


Customer satisfaction:Provides insights into customer satisfaction and experiences so you can understand what’s working well and what can be improved. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


By leveraging these benefits, questionnaires can help improve decision-making, optimise processes and strengthen relationships with customers.

What are the benefits of dynamic questionnaires?
Optimise your guest feedback with customised questionnaires

Optimise your guest feedback with customised questionnaires

  • Collect relevant and valuable responses directly from your guests to help you understand their preferences and needs. Gain in-depth insights with easily accessible data and statistics that can be quickly transformed into clear lists or charts to support your decision-making.

  • Even if the guest does not complete the questionnaire, their answers are automatically saved so you never lose important information. Design questionnaires that match your brand identity by customising colour themes according to your wishes.

  • Give your guests a seamless experience with flexible answer options - from text fields to multiple choices and combinations. Easily manage the questions with our time management feature so your campaigns run exactly when it suits you.

Automate your guest communication and get valuable feedback

With automation and time management, you can schedule when questionnaires are sent out, ensuring feedback is collected at the right times.


With our solution, you can send personalised emails or SMS messages to your guests before, during and after their stay. Welcome them, share important information, and get their feedback at the same time. Every interaction gives you access to data that helps you identify opportunities for improvement and prioritise investments.


Our system allows you to target your questionnaires based on geography, dates of stay, or what type of rental unit they chose. Use the information you already have to tailor your communications and improve the guest experience.

Automate your guest communication and get valuable feedback
Increase your customer satisfaction with a single click

Increase your customer satisfaction with a single click

Embed the questionnaire in your guest communication

Turn your “Thank you for your stay” email into a valuable opportunity for feedback on customer satisfaction. Start by asking a simple question directly in the email, such as “How satisfied were you with your stay? Enter your rating from 1-10 stars.”


When your guest responds, their feedback is automatically registered in your system - even if they don’t complete the entire questionnaire.


This simple step significantly increases click-through rates as guests can respond with just one click without having to open a separate questionnaire. Make it easy for your guests and get valuable feedback faster.

Create your own alerts based on word choice

Stay ahead of negative feedback by creating your own alerts in your questionnaires. Quickly identify if your guests use special expressions such as profanity, question marks, exclamation marks, or other negative comments. With our customised monitoring rules, you will automatically be notified as soon as such terms are detected in the questionnaires.


The faster you respond to potentially negative feedback, the better you can prevent the spread of bad reviews. Empower your business to act proactively and improve the guest experience before issues escalate.


Of course, this applies both ways if you want to collect all your 6-star reviews and share them internally and celebrate your victories. You can use good reviews as advertising on your website, and you can use negative reviews to gain insights into how your business can become even better at practising excellent guest service.  

Create your own alerts based on word choice
Ask conditional questions based on specific criteria

Ask conditional questions based on specific criteria

With our questionnaires, you can create dynamic questionnaires where the questions asked are customised based on previous answers. This makes it possible to collect more accurate information. For example, you can follow up with more detailed questions depending on whether the answer is ’yes’ or ’no’.

Furthermore, you can optimise the feedback process by encouraging satisfied guests to share their positive reviews on platforms such as Trustpilot, Facebook, Google Maps and Tripadvisor, while less satisfied guests do not receive this encouragement. This feature, which we call ’Conditional pathways’, helps you target your follow-up actions effectively.

Explore our comprehensive questionnaires and templates, including NPS metrics!

With our questionnaires you can ask a wide range of questions, including ’Multiple choice’, ’Single choice’, free text fields, short text, matrix and Likert scale. You also get access to ready-made templates for entering customer information.


Our Likert scale is especially useful if you want to measure your NPS (Net Promoter Score) and gain insights into customer satisfaction.

Explore our comprehensive questionnaires and templates, including NPS metrics!
Personalise and track your questionnaires with URL Builder!

Personalise and track your questionnaires with URL Builder!

Make your feedback collection more effective with our questionnaires! When sharing a questionnaire, you can choose between an anonymous link or use our smart URL Builder to create personalised links for each participant. Enter booking or customer numbers and customise the language to give recipients a tailored questionnaire. This allows you to trace responses directly back to the specific participant.


The URL Builder is ideal for one-off or small broadcasts, while for mass broadcasts, such as after a stay, you can still use URL parameters to personalise your links. Streamline your feedback collection and get accurate data with our questionnaires.

Customise your design and strengthen your brand

Give your questionnaires a unique and professional look with our design tools. Customise colours, logos and layout to match your brand identity perfectly.

With the ability to customise the design, you can ensure that your questionnaires not only collect valuable feedback, but also strengthen your brand image and create a cohesive experience for your guests. Stand out and make feedback collection part of your branding strategy.

Customise your design and strengthen your brand
Intelligent language management makes your questionnaires global

Intelligent language management makes your questionnaires global

With the questionnaires’ built-in language management, you can easily adapt your questionnaires to several languages at the same time. This ensures that you can effectively reach an international audience, collect feedback across language barriers and improve your global customer service. Make your questionnaires available to all your guests, regardless of their language.

Visual data overview with our dashboards

With our solution, all your collected data is easily and effectively visualised in user-friendly dashboards. Get a clearer picture of your performance with dynamic graphs, charts and reports that make it easy to understand and act on feedback.


Our system ensures that all data is thoroughly post-processed to give you full insight into your results. Analyse trends, identify key areas for improvement and make informed decisions based on accurate and easy-to-understand visualisations.


You can also export all responses in detailed Excel extracts so you can either continue analysing them there or import them into other systems.  

Visual data overview with our dashboards