CompuSoft presents the world's first intelligent available/occupied LED light signs, whose functionality and ease of use go far beyond previously known payment methods. cSight makes the reception of sailors and campers elegant and eliminates a whole range of time-consuming routine tasks for the staff.
In Denmark, the coastlines are occasionally affected by storm surge. cSight passed the ultimate test when storm surge last inundated harbors in large parts of Denmark. In Middelfart's NyHavn2, all 50+ cSights were under approx. 1 meter of water for several hours. Fortunately, the owners have nothing to worry about, because cSight is industrially produced to withstand any situation in the harsh outdoor environment.
Storm surge with elevated water level. Photo by Pia Pedersen, 02.01.2019. Middelfart
Did you know that Denmark's leading booking portal for yachtsmen, Marina Booking, has been given a new look? CompuSoft has recently given the portal a graphical overhaul, making booking berths even more elegant.
If your harbor is a member of Marina Booking, cSight can enhance the guest experience by welcoming sailors with their boat name on the display. cSight turns off automatically when the sailor arrives at their berth.
Visit for more information.
Marinabooking is Denmark's leading booking portal for sailors, and the latest version has made it even easier to book your next stay. Visit from your PC, tablet or smartphone and read more.