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When you operate with multiple destinations and/or with multiple brands

One single platform for companies with multiple destinations.
For companies with several destinations, each of which is operated as separate departments or sub-businesses, our group module offers the opportunity to manage and gather all administrative processes in one single system.


Thus, it is easy to obtain the group's total sales figures and statistics, see detailed information about the individual departments' cash flow, turnover figures, etc. and handle common and individual prices, booking rules, documents and marketing.


Our group module offers:

  • Common database/local database
  • Tools for administration and management
  • Common economy/divided economy
  • Marketing tools
  • Statistics, analyzes (Business Intelligence) across your affiliates

When you operate with multiple destinations and/or with multiple brands
Get the big picture - but also see the details

Get the big picture - but also see the details

Our platform gives the head office the broad overview - across destinations or brands.

The solution allows all content, such as configurations, rules, price structures, images, etc., to be inherited/reused between destinations.

The head office manages all the basics centrally, and may also choose to allow each destination to complete individual sub-elements itself. The head office can also control access to data.

In principle, our group solution gives the destinations unlimited possibilities, but the head office decides 100% which functions shall be activated for each destination.

Look across users

With our group solution, you can see data across users, and thus you do not have to log in to each user account to get the overall picture.

Monitor your business closely

The head office can gather all the information centrally, and thus see every conceivable detail about the destinations.

  • Common price catalog with advanced differentiation options
  • Joint handling/standardization of packages and offers
  • Joint/individual promotion management
  • Joint/individual marketing, needs analyzes and evaluation
  • Bonus programs
  • Online booking portal
  • Joint document management
  • Joint contract management
  • Owner settlement and owner booking
  • Joint finances
  • Joint debtor management
  • Close-of-day with total/individual cash flow/turnover      
  • Efficiency history of transactions by station and user
  • Automatic posting to all known financial systems

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