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ISAE 3000

ISAE 3000 statement

What is an ISAE 3000 report?


An ISAE 3000 report is an auditor's report that assesses a data processor's level of compliance with the GDPR. The purpose of the report is to have an external, independent party verify, document and confirm the company's procedures regarding the processing of personal data.


This is done in order to ensure that the level of protection to which the company has committed itself is complied with.

CompuSoft has received an ISAE 3000 report


We are proud to announce that CompuSoft A/S has had all our procedures audited to protect your data as a data processor and that we have not received any remarks in the ISAE 3000 type 1 report.


This confirms that we comply with the GDPR as a data processor and deliver the level of compliance that we have committed to.


You will find our ISAE 3000 report under Terms and Conditions.

We have made it easy for you to verify your data processor


CompuSoft A/S acts as a data processor for the information that is processed in our applications, while you as a customer are the data controller. This relationship is regulated in the data processing agreement we enter into with you.


As a data controller, you are obliged to verify the suppliers who process personal data on your behalf (data processors). With our ISAE 3000 report (GDPR), we have made this process as easy as possible for you.


Contact our CFO, Anders Willum, at [email protected] for further information about GDPR and ISAE 3000.